Ledger.com/start - start now

Initiate your crypto journey with Ledger. Visit ledger.com/start for a secure setup and explore features designed to help you manage your digital assets with confidence.


Ledger.com/start - start now

If you're looking to set up your Ledger device, you can follow these general steps to get started. Please note that the actual steps might vary slightly depending on the specific Ledger device you have. Here's a basic guide:

  1. Visit the Official Ledger Website: Go to Ledger's official website.

  2. Navigate to "Start": Look for a "Get Started" or "Start" section on the website. You might find this in the top menu or as a prominent button on the homepage.

  3. Choose Your Device: If there are multiple Ledger devices, select the one you have (e.g., Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X).

  4. Download Ledger Live: You'll likely be directed to download Ledger Live, which is Ledger's official software for managing your cryptocurrencies. Download and install it on your computer or mobile device.

  5. Set Up Ledger Live: Open Ledger Live and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your account. You might need to create a new account or restore an existing one.

  6. Connect Your Ledger Device: Connect your Ledger device to your computer or mobile device using the provided USB cable.

  7. Configure Your Device: Follow the instructions on the Ledger Live application to configure your Ledger device. This may involve creating a PIN code and writing down your recovery seed.

  8. Install Apps: Install the necessary apps on your Ledger device for the cryptocurrencies you want to manage. Ledger Live will guide you through this process.

  9. Secure Your Recovery Seed: Write down and securely store your recovery seed. This is crucial for recovering your funds if your device is lost or damaged.

  10. Complete Setup: Follow any additional steps or prompts in the Ledger Live application to complete the setup process.

Remember to only download software and apps from the official Ledger website to ensure the security of your cryptocurrencies. Always follow the recommended security practices provided by Ledger.

Last updated